About me

I’m a First-year doctoral student from School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology.

I am very fortunate to be advised by Prof. Kun Zhang from School of CSE, NJUST. I also worked closely with Prof. Hao Peng and Prof. Wei Wang during my M.S. time.

My research interest includes Network science, complex networks, data mining.

Education Experience

  • Ph.D in Nanjing, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2028 (expected)
  • M.S. in Jinhua, Zhejiang Normal University, 2021
  • B.S. in Tongling, Tongling University, 2017


  • Complex network modeling
    • Network reliability analysis
    • Complex network visualization
  • Data mining
    • Hypergraph neural network
    • Association rule analysis
    • Multi-mode matching


Participate in a project or competition

  • National key research and development project, 2023
  • National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program (hosted), 2019.09-2020.05
  • The Huawei Cup Postgraduate Mathematical Modeling Competition third prize, 2021
  • China University Student Computer Design Competition, 2020
  • Anhui University Student Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition first prize, 2020
  • Anhui Internet of Things Innovation Competition first prize, 2020
  • Anhui Province mathematics contest second prize, 2020
  • Anhui Province information security works competition third prize, 2020
  • Anhui Province Network Attack and Defense Competition (CTF) second prize, 2020
  • Anhui Computer Design Competition second prize, 2020
  • Anhui Robot Competition Program Design Class (ACM) third prize, 2019

Honors & Awards

  • National Scholarship, 2023
  • Special Award of President of Zhejiang Normal University, 2023
  • Outstanding Graduate of Zhejiang Normal University, 2023
  • Outstanding Graduate of Anhui province, 2016

Email / Github / CSDN