Robustness of interdependent directed higher-order networks against cascading failures

Published in Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2024

To understand the robustness of interdependent directed higherorder networks, we propose a new theoretical framework to model and analyze the robustness of such networks under random failures by percolation theory. We find that adding higher-order edges makes the network more vulnerable which quantifies and compares by two criteria: the size of the giant connected components and the percolation threshold. Increasing the hyperdegree distribution of heterogeneity or the hyperedge cardinality distribution of heterogeneity in interdependent directed higher-order networks will also make the network more vulnerable. Interestingly, the phase transition type changes from continuous to discontinuous with the increase of coupling strength, and partially interdependent directed higher-order networks exist hybrid phase transition. Moreover, by applying our theoretical analysis to real interdependent directed higher-order networks further validated our conclusion, it has implications for the design of flexible complex systems.

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